Class of:
Current affiliation:
Freelance market access consultant
Francisco Hernandez holds a pharmacist degree (BPharm), and a MSc. in pharmaceutical sciences from the Utrecht University. In 2008, Francisco started as a Ph.D. fellow at the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacotherapy of the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Netherlands. During his Ph.D., Francisco was trained as a pharmaceutical policy analyst. His research and expertise extend to drug utilization, pharmaceutical regulation, and the influence of media and regulation on drug use at international level. After completion of his Ph.D., Francisco obtained several years of experience in the field of Medical Communications. This experience entailed the development of medical education tools and events, such as stand-alone meetings, advisory boards, online courses and marketing materials. Francisco has gained experience in various therapeutic fields, such as CNS (depression, schizophrenia), several orphan diseases, hematology and oncology. Currently, he works as consultant in the field of Market Access and pharmacoeconomics. Within this field, Francisco has been doing research on the time-to-decision and likelihood of reimbursement by HTA agencies post-EMA approval. Furthermore, Francisco is member of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA).
Education and experience:
BPharm, MSc. (drug innovation – UU), Ph.D. (UU). Policy analysis, real-world evidence analysis, drug utilization studies, medical communications, pharmacoeconomics, market access.
Former PhD Project:
Team members and other people involved:
Prof.dr. A.H.L.M. Pieters, Prof.dr. J.A.M. Raaijmakers, Dr. A.K. Mantel-Teeuwisse, Dr. G.J.M.W. van Thiel