Class of:
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Education and experience:
Alexandra Cameron is the Technical Manager for malaria at UNITAID, where she leads the development of the organization’s malaria strategy to guide investment decisions. Prior to this she worked for several years at the World Health Organization, primarily focused on conducting research and providing policy guidance on the management of national pharmaceutical prices. Dr. Cameron has also worked at the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario, Canada, where she served in a number of roles including Senior Policy Analyst for women’s health and gender. She holds a Masters in International Public Health from the University of Sydney and a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Utrecht.
Title former PhD Project:
Team members and other people involved:
Prof. Dr. H.G.M. Leufkens, Prof.dr. R.O. Laing (promotors), Dr. Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse (co-promotor)